Есть ответ 👍

Преобразуйте выделенное прилагательное в наречие 1. He is a bad singer/ He sings
2. They are fast runners/ They
3. Simon is very careful student/
He writes
4. Diana is a good dancer/ Shae
5. They are hard workers/ They
6. Robert and Alice are noisy
children/ They talk
7. Tim was angry. He shouted at
his friends
8. This exercise is easy/ I can do

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

I’ll never forget …having sailed (sail) down the Volga on that lovely summer day.

I am so sorry; I forgot …letting (let) you know.

Don’t forget …to remind (remind) them about the party.  

I remember …having seen (see) you somewhere.  

Did you remember …to water.. (water) the plants today?  

I’m sorry …………to…interruping……….. (interrupt), but can I ask you something?

Bob was sorry for …………has……shout…….. (shout) at his little sister.

He stopped ……………to smoke……….. (smoke) when he realised how dangerous it was.

Amanda stopped ………………his …….. (have) a quick snack and then continued translating the article.


You should try ……………exercising……….. (exercise), you may feel better.


Популярно: Английский язык