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Open the brackets and complete the Last summer the Browns (travel) (1) travelled about
Great Britain. At first they (have) (2)
a wonder-
ful time in London. They (see) (3)
and Trafalgar Square. The Browns (go) (4)
the National Gallery and (visit) (5)
the Tower of
London. They (have) (6)
breakfast, lunch and
dinner in the hotel. Also the Browns (enjoy) (7)
visiting the Isle of White and the Isle of Man as they
(swim) (8)
in the sea and (lie) (9)
in the
un a lot. They (be) (10)
happy because the
weather (be) (11)
fine most of the time.​

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4,6(41 оценок)

Program program1; var a,b,c: integer; begin writeln('введите значение a: '); readln(a); writeln('введите значение b: '); readln(b); writeln('введите значение c: '); readln(c); writeln('делятся на 2 без остатка: '); if (a mod 2)=0 then writeln(a); if (b mod 2)=0 then writeln(b); if (c mod 2)=0 then writeln(c); end.

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