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IV. Задайте вопрос к предложению, используя вопросительное слово: 21. They have finished the translation. Who …?
22. He was writing a composition when I called him. What …?
23. A new bank will be built in our town next year. When …?
24. It is still snowing. Is …?
25. Miss Nadell is driven to work by her friend each day. Where …?
26. The undergraduates study both educational and special subjects. Who …?
27. The computer is used in every field of national economy. What …?
28. I entered the Institute in 2006. When …?
29. Algorithmic languages are used in programming. What sort …?
30. Over two hundred students were present at the meeting. How many…?

V. Заполните пропуски словом, образованным от указанного в cкобках:

31. She says there is no … for her to become an engineer. (possible)
32. The new teacher decided to …the students in her group to study English. (courage)
33. Scientists continually offer several new …about UFO. (interpret)
34. Athens is …for its ancient buildings. (fame)
35. No one will deny that education will definitely … one’s life. (rich)

VI. Выберите правильную грамматическую форму:

36. We have… classes on Monday than on Friday.
a) less b) little c) fewer d) few

37. No … comments followed, which seemed a bit strange.
a) farther b) further c) far d) furthest

38. … train to Glasgo leaves from platform 3.
a) nearest b) the next c) next d) the nearer

39. There’s too … bad news on tonight’s TV.
a) many b) much c) more d) enough

40. Professor Campbell is always angry when his students arrive…
a) latter b) lately c) later d) late

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Ответы на вопрос:

Gde naxoditca red square? 2)kak pervoe nazvanie bilo? 3)pochemu lyudi nazvali kvadrat "pozhar"? 4)kogda kvadrat poluchil svoyo sovremennoe imya? 5)shto mogut videt lyudi v krasnom kvadrate?

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