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Визначте б творення поданих слів. Чому так названо явища та предмети?
астронавт, космодром.

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Ответы на вопрос:

The main heroes of the dialogue: mom, alina (her daughter)- (alina) hi mammy, how are you? - (mom) well, alinco, and what are you so happy about? - (alina) i'm going to a birthday party, to my girlfriend tanya.- (mom) and what are you going to give? - (alina) i have not decided yet (mom) so it's time.- (alina) i just thought of a gift, i rejected many interesting ideas, so i still have not decided.- (mom) i suggest to give you a book.- (alina) i do not think that tani's book will please.- (mom) but the book is knowledge, and knowledge is power! - (alina) and what book is it? - (mom) maybe some book about love (alina) you can upload a book "red and black" written by stendhal.- (mom) here you see, what good are you, in 5 minutes we came up with you a gift.- (alina) yes, thank you mother, i love you very much

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