01.12.2021 04:18
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Как вы думаете,какие меры необходимо предпринять,чтобы в нашей стране было выгодно соблюдать,чем нарушать ( минимум 3 меры,минимум 30 слов )

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

4,6(25 оценок)

First: to have a big salary Second: to keep it clean everywhere. Third: So that we can send me a scan copy.

4,6(66 оценок)

On friday i came home late. -what did the other children? -they read. 3.yesterday at 11 o'clock ivanov was looking through catalogs,other businessmen discussed the proposal of the english company on the equipment for the office. 4.yesterday at 3pm it was raining,but in 4 hours it was over. 5.-i called you at 3 o'clock,but you weren't.where have you been? -i had talks at this time .

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