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Поставьте слова из текста в их определения. вам нужно будет внести некоторые изменения. develop sleeve coin rub astonished carpenter case 1.a makes and repairs wooden things, especially parts of a building. 2. when something , it grows over a period of time, so that it becomes stronger and larger. 3. to be means to be very surprised. 4. a is an incident that you are explaining. 5. a is a part of your shirt, blouse or coat that covers your arm. 6. if you against a table, you move it back and forward while pressing it against the table. 7 are metal money.

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1.rub 2. carpenter 3.astonished 4.develop 5.sleeve 6.case 7.coin вроде так
4,6(53 оценок)

It`s a nice day today, but yesterday was   nicer than today. (cегодня приятная погода, но вчера она была приятнее, чем сегодня) 2. he isn't interested in studying. he's more in having a good time.3.   ralph schumacher is famous, but his brother michael is  more famous than ralph. (ральф знаменит, но его брат мишель более знаменит, чем ральф)4. the weather is bad today, but it was much worse yesterday.(погода сегодня плохая, но вчера она была гораздо хуже)5. our house isn't big enough any more. we really need a bigger one.6.  the last exercise was easy, but this one is harder than thought. (предыдущее было легким, но это сложнее чем я думала)

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