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Раскройте скобки, используя Past Simple или Past Continuous. 1.He (walk) to the front of the stage, (take) a bow and (wave) to the audience.
2.Her clothes were soaked because she (walk) in the rain.
3.We (not / enjoy) the play so we (leave) early.
4.While you (sleep) Joan (try) to finish her essay.
5.Susan and Tom (meet) when they (study) in Edinburgh 20 years ago.
6.They (walk) to the water's edge, (wade) in and (swim) to the other side.
7.John really should lose some weight. – You’re right, he (breath) heavily during the walk yesterday.
8.I (meet) my girlfriend while we (work) . in ltaly.
9.When I walked in they (play) cards.
10.Oliver (break) his arm while he (ski) .

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arrives будет

she always arrives to school on time

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