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1. Put the gaps with the verbs in brackets in their correct forms. (Поставить глаголы в скобках в правильные формы - to infinitive -глагол с частицей -to/the –ing form- глагол с ing окончанием /infinitive without –to- инфинитив без частицы -to) 1 Paula has stopped ( smoke ).
2 I promised ( come ) in time.
3 Let me ( carry ) your bag.
4 I don’t enjoy ( dance ) very much.
5 It was so funny. I couldn’t help ( laugh ).
6 I’d prefer ( get ) a taxi.
7 Tom was surprised ( see ) you last week.
8 I had difficulty in ( get ) a permission.
9 Ann was made ( open ) her suitcase.
10 I remember ( lock ) the door.
11 I went to the market ( buy ) some fruit.
12 He should ( go ) to see his uncle.
13 I spent five hours ( do ) my homework last night.
14 I was busy ( repair ) the car.
15 We came home late, it wasn’t worth ( go ) to bed.
16 I would love ( have ) a party, but my parents won’t let me.
17 We are looking forward to ( see ) them again.
18 He spent a fortune ( build ) his house.
19 Tom forgot ( take )the dog for a walk, so it was barking loudly.
20 He avoided ( be ) late for every meeting.

III Translate into Russian – Правильно перевести на русский язык данные предложения.
1. Did you remember to call your mum?

2. I remember meeting her in Paris

3. He stopped to buy a sandwich.

4. She stopped eating chocolates.

5. I tried taking an aspirin but it didn’t help.

6. I always try to help my parents.

7. Though she was already tired she went on tidying up the room.

8. She did the washing up, then went on to tidy up the room.

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1. Что не так с мальчиком?

2. С чем он играет?

3. С чем он себя сравнивает?

4. Как вы думаете, что является «покрывалом» в стихотворении? Что вам найти ответ? Проверьте свой словарь.

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