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.Agree or disagree with the following statements: 1. A business that goes bankrupt is insolvent. 2. People want to get dividends. 3. An auction is a private sale. 4. A thrifty person saves money. 5. If you spend too much, you will have a deficit. 6. You should not vouch for a person unless you absolutely trust him. 7. Wealthy people often pawn their possessions. 8. If you start a business, you want a large outlay. 9. When you forfeit something, you lose it. 10. Each shareholder of a company owns part of it.

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i have got a hobby - i'm fond of reading books (also i read books on computer after dowload it from internet). they give me more knowledge. in my opinion, books are a source of emotional inspiration and romantic feeling. the time spend on a good book is never wasted. reading is a rewarding pasting. and of course i like music! i'm fond of modern pop music of nowadays.



  у меня есть хобби - я люблю читать книги (также я читаю книги на компьютере после их скачивания из интернета). они мне больше знаний. по моему мнению, книги - это источник эмоцинального вдохновения и романтических чувств. время, проводимое за хорошей книгой, никогда не потеряно. чтение впоследтсвии вознаграждется. и конечно, я люблю музыку! я люблю современную музыку.

Популярно: Английский язык