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Описание внешности человека (к ВПР) С.28 упр.2 лексика

The appearance of the person (внешность человека) Что на нём?
• Возраст - I think she/he is … years old.
• Занятие – He/she is a/an … (pupil, teacher, sportsman, child, adult)
• Внешность (цвет глаз, длина и цвет волос) - She / he has got (green, blue, brown) eyes and (a long/short, dark / fair) hair.
• Одежда (цвет и тип одежды – верх + низ) – He/she is wearing a … and … (shirt, T-shirt, dress, trousers, skirt, sweater, jacket, jeans)
• Черты характера - I guess she / he is … and ... (nice, kind, serious, clever, creative, patient, brave)

Пример: I think she is 16 years old. The girl has got brown eyes and a short dark hair. She is wearing a white T-shirt and blue shorts. I guess she is nice and clever.

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Ответы на вопрос:

What are you doing here now? we are listening to music. do you want to see my father? michael knows german rather well. he wants to know english too but he is having little time for it now. what magazine are you reading ? it's a french magazine. there are good articles on sports here. are you interested in sports? yes, lam, but i don't known french. does lena usually prepare her homework at the institute? no, she doesn't. as a rule, she works at home. and what is she writing now? oh, she is writing an article for our wall newspaper. who is that man who is standing in the doorway? don't you recognize him? it's john, my cousin. i have no time now, i am having dinner

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