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Write 6 different sentences using -ing or to and verbs like, love, hate, would like, would mind, enjoy.
Написать 6 разных предложения, используя -ing или -, а глаголы, как, любовь, ненависть, бы, бы, воспользуйтесь.

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Ответы на вопрос:

The world's first headphones appeared more than a century ago. quite an impressive period of existence, isn't it? although it would seem that such a small thing, not so important in our lives detail. but if you think about it, no man lives without music, and some headphones even help to go with music through life. it turns out that the subject firmly settled in our daily routines. the appearance of the first headphones.  invented the first in the history of headphones nathaniel baldwin, and at home in the kitchen. he collected them from different parts of the phone, and the invention dates back to 1910. early in his "career" headphones were used only in military activity: the radio operators, divers, etc. to the masses headphones come only after two decades after the invention. they immediately won enormous popularity among ordinary people, and with the advent of portable players their importance was overestimated. still, after have the opportunity to enjoy their favorite music anywhere: in the transport, on the street, in cafes, etc are not disturbing other people.it is difficult to find an area of human activity where and would not use headphones. the most important role in the recording process. (изобрел  натаниэль  болдуин)

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