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ответить на вопросы Быть другом не всегда легко . Но не иметь друзей - трагедия дл многих подростков. Так что есть настоящий и преданный друг? Как ты можешь ответить на этот вопрос
2) Вы считаете вам следует иметь одного близкого друга вашего Лучшего Друга Навсегда или возможно иметь несколько?
3)Какие персональные качества следует иметь подростку чтобы вы смогли назвать его другом?
4) вы думаете дружба возможна между взрослым и подростком?
5)Может ли член вашей семьи быть вашим другом?
6)Какие персональные качества никогда не позволят вам назвать мальчика или девочку вашим другом?
7) какие вещи непростительны в друге
8)Вы думаете люди иногда очень зависимы от их друзей, почему это опасно? ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

i remember it very well. i was poor often didn’t have money for bread. i had a friend. he was а poor writer too. once we needed three dollars. we had to have money by evening. i don’t know where to go and where to get three dollars. for a hour i was walking along the streets of washington. at last i came to the big hotel. i went into the hall of the hotel and sat down on a sofa to have a rest. suddenly a beautiful small dog ran into the hall. it was a nice dog and began to play with it. i was playing with the dog when a man came into the hall. i knew the man at once. it was general miles. he saw the dog and liked it at once. “do you want to sell it? ” the general asked me. “three dollars” i answered. “ price of three dollars is too little for such the dog. do you want more? ” he said. i didn’t, so he took the dog and went to elevator. ten minutes later old man came into the hall. he was looking for something. “are you looking for the dog, sir? ” i asked. “ yes ,” said old man. i promised old man to find the dog for three dollars and went to the general miles’s room. the general had to return the dog and of course i returned him money. but old man paid me three dollars i had earned.

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