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2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: gerund, to-infinitive, infinitive without to 1) Nick and Diana enjoy (do) extreme sports.
2) I'm looking forward to (travel) to South America next week.
3) What do you want?(eat) tonight?
4) I can't imagine (live) in another country.
5) He went to her birthday without (bring) her a present.
6) I can't help (wonder) what's wrong with him tonight.
7) Thanks. I'd love (join) you.
8) Wendy isn't keen on (cycle).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 she cleans windows every month

does she clean windows every month?   - она моет окна каждый месяц?

does she clean windows or doors every month?   - она моет окна или двери каждый месяц?

what does she clean every month?   - что она моет каждый месяц?

she cleans windows every month, doesn’t she? – она моет окна каждый месяц, не так ли?

who cleans windows every month? – кто моет окна каждый месяц?

2 they learnt the words yesterday   (здесь глагол learn должен стоять в прошедшем времени learnt)

did they learn the words yesterday? – они выучили слова вчера?

did they learn the words or the text yesterday? – они выучили слова или текст вчера?

what did they learn yesterday? – что они выучили вчера?

they learnt the words yesterday, didn’t they? – они выучили слова вчера, не так ли?

who learnt the words yesterday? – кто выучил слова вчера?

3 they will meet him at the static (здесь что за слово static – это не существительное, возможно здесь имеется в виду слово station – станция)

will they meet him at the station? – они встретят его на станции?

will they meet him at the station or in the park? – они встретят его на станции или в парке?

where will they meet him? – где они его встретят?

they will meet him at the station, won’t they? – они встретят его на станции, не так ли?

who will meet him at the station? – кто его встретит на станции?

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