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Example: He expected (they / to arrive) at 5. – He expected them to arrive at 5. – Він очікував, що вони прибудуть о п’ятій.

1. I want (she / to tell) me the news in brief. 2. He expected (the meeting / to hold) in the Red Room. 3. I would like (they / to fix) an appointment for me for Tuesday. 4. We want (she / to introduce) us to the president of the company. 5. He expected (she / to invite) him to the party. 6. I’d like (the dress / to buy) by Saturday. 7. I’d like (the professor / to look through) my report. 8. She watched (the stars / to sparkle) in the dark sky. 9. The patient wanted (the doctor / to examine) him. 10. We heard (they / to argue) in the next room.

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