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Now that school and football practice are over i have plenty of time to throw a big party! I'm having it on friday 20th june but i've asked my mum it my friends can stay the night so we can hang out the next day too! Please say you're coming! i know you haven't met my friends but i'm sure you'll all get on like a house on fire. i'll try to get the new Rihanna CD for the party but it's selling like hotcakes and i don't know if i can find it. It doesn't matter thought. You are coming right? You can't turn down this great chance to meet new people and have lots of fun!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) she is a student the first course of university 2) the computer stay at the table. the computer wrong. 3)my sister - teacher 4) the everest - higher mountain peak. 5) i learned at school last year. 6) the international arbitrage court stay in the hauge. 7) atlantic ocean divides europe and america. 8) the people of this small town are very kindly. 9) at the evening i usually dinners with my family. 10) my husband’s relatives live in the far east. so i see them once of five - six years. 11) i went to one store.

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