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Определите в них видовременные формы в активном и пассивном залоге и укажите их инфинитив. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. The twenty-first century is beginning as the century of culture, with the differences, interactions, and conflicts among cultures taking centre stage.

2. The concept of culture arouses passion.

3. Just three are mentioned here.

4. Scholars have also measured societies along a number of other cultural dimensions and classified them in terms of individualism and collectivism, egalitarianism and hierarchy, pluralism and monism, activism and fatalism, tolerance and intolerance, trust and suspicion, shame and guilt, instrumental and consummatory, and a variety of other ways.

5. However it is defined, civilizations are the broadest cultural entities with innumerable subcultures.

6. Scholars warned against getting bogged down in debating definitions.

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