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Exercise 1. (A) Use the Present Simple Passive of the verbs in the box Example: Bread is made of wheat. uso play destroy

speak export make

1. Football all over the world. 2. Millions of cars from Japan every year. 3. A compass for showing direction 4 How many languages In Switzerland? S. Millions of trees by population every year.

(B) Use the Past Simple Passive of the verbs in the box Example. President John F. Kennedy war assassinated in Dallas in 1963.


invent play


paint build

1. The 2010 World Cup for soccer in South Africa 2 When television 73 The first pyramids of Egypt around 3000 BC 4. Penicillin by Alexander Fleming in 1928. S. The Mona Lisa (La Gincorda) by Leonardo da Vinci​

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График прямой пропорциональности представляет собой прямую, проходящую через начало координат.


2. На координатной плоскости постройте график прямой пропорциональности y=-Зх. Определите, принадлеж

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