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Выберите правильный вариант ответа. 1. It wasn’t easy to ... this problem but we finally managed somehow.A) settleB) solveC) decideD) answer2. I’ll wait here ... they announce the results of the competition.A) unlessB) ifC) untilD) when3. He said he didn’t want to ... the choir for some personal reason.A) joinB) joyC) enjoyD) include4. I’m notbuying it ... I wouldn’t mind having it for free.A) evenB) onlyC) althoughD) unless5. He was absolutely ... to find his parents no matter how long it could take.A) certainB) determinedC) sureD) confident6. Our street is not ... enough to build a petrol station there.A) spaciousB) enormousC) bigD) wide7. On the first floor of the library you’ll find a ... of magazines.A) variousB) numerousC) varietyD) plentiful8. You can’t expect too much of him –he’s ... five.A) simplyB) merelyC) easilyD) only9. The police found him ... on the floor in his study.A) unawareB) unsureC) unconsciousD) unknown10. Did you ... all the classes that you had to?A) hearB) attendC) listenD) extend

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