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Task 4. Find a word or phrase in the text that has a similar meaning. 1. to be or to create an obstacle;
2. to establish or apply as compulsory;
3. to force to act or think in a certain way by use of pressure, threats, or intimidation;
4. of high price or value;
5. to investigate or treat something superficially;
6. a person who repairs sewage;
7. on the part of

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. he got away school when he was 17 years old. - он бросил школу, когда ему было 17 лет. 2.  we always get back to our home. - мы всегда возврвщаемся домой. 3. he got off the bus at the bus stop. - он вышел из автобуса на остановке. 4. he has got on his business. - он добился успеха в своем деле. 5. they always get along with little children. - они всегда ладят с маленькими детьми. 6.  he got over all the difficulties.- он преодолел све трудности. 7.  they get together every weekends. - они собираются каждые выходные вместе.

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