Есть ответ 👍

I. Choose the correct word. 1. My mum’s breakfast always smells…(well/good).

2. This salad looks…(delicious/deliciously).

3. He proposed us to go to the restaurant. It sounds…(greatly/great).

4. She feels…(happily/happy) to help her mum to bake a cake.

5. This perfume smells…(nice/nicely).

II. Put the dialogue in the correct order.

1. – Would you like something to eat?

… - I also like cocoa very much. Let’s start to cook.

… - Sorry. There isn’t any ham left. How about pancakes with jam?

… - Yes, we have some eggs and milk in the fridge. Would you help me to cook?

… - I think a cup of cocoa would be great.

… - Yes. I’d like a ham and cheese sandwich.

… - Yes, of course. I like cooking very much.

…- And what would we drink?

… - That would be nice. But do we have any milk?​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1) good

2) delicious

3) great

4) happy

5) nicely

2. - Would you like something to eat?

- Yes. I’d like a ham and cheese sandwich.

- Sorry. There isn’t any ham left. How about pancakes with jam?

- That would be nice. But do we have any milk?​

- Yes, we have some eggs and milk in the fridge. Would you help me to cook?

- Yes, of course. I like cooking very much.

- And what would we drink?

- I think a cup of cocoa would be great.

- I also like cocoa very much. Let’s start to cook.


Объяснение:извини я в английском не силен......

Популярно: Английский язык