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4. Complete the gaps with a word from the box For, to, on, up, about, with, of, as
1. Wherever we are, thanks devices like these, we can all feel connected.
2. What’s unusual here is that this programme isn’t being made TV.
3. All about the McKenzies was launched YouTube.
4. With the help of social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, it has built a dedicated following.
5. So tell me All about the McKenzies.
6. Vice started twenty years ago a magazine but has become one of the leading youth brands in the world.
7. I get 80% of my work through social media. It’s all word mouth.
8. I can put pictures of my work so that, you know, if it’s something they like, they can get in contact me.

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метро алматы

одна из самых удивительных достопримечательностей алматы

впечатляющая система метро. 1) открыт в

декабрь 2011 и это быстро, дешево и удобно.

способ 2).

передвигаться по алматы, особенно

когда зима когда часто опускается ниже

-10 °! каждая станция метро уникальна, с

красивая мозаика и витражи. это

3) самый дешевый способ путешествовать по городу.


metro almaty

one of the most amazing sights of almaty

impressive metro system. 1) (the system) is open at

december 2011 and it is fast, cheap and convenient.

method 2).

(in the subway to )move around almaty, especially

when winter when often falls below

-10 °! each metro station is unique, with

beautiful mosaic and stained glass. it

3) (this is the) cheapest way to travel around the city.

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