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At acquaintance and meetings it is inadmissible to hug and kiss on the cheek, but only shake hands. In England, it is not accepted to ask about the amount of income, age (especially women), marital status.

If it concerns business meetings, a visit to a doctor, solemn events, the delay on your part will be disrespectful. Excessive emotionality is not welcomed among the English, but they are generous with compliments on any occasion. This people is modest, and they are very proud, with a sense of dignity. The English never ask for help, do not complain and do not expect sympathy.

In England, the love of the family and of the Motherland is sacred. Here, family relations, problems in the family are not put on display, they do not discuss personal life and relatives. And despite the secrecy and closeness within the family, the English are very hospitable people.

2. Phonetic. Read and transcribe.

a ) think, thing, thin, thought, death, threat.

b) sing, song, bang, long, something, going, hung, wrong.

c) this, that, those, the, these, there, other, another.

d) ship, shop, she, clash, sharp, shine, shame, shape.

4. Vocabular

Many thanks. Большое

I can’t thank you enough. Даже не знаю, как тебя благодарить.

Thank you (ever) so much. Я вам очень благодарен.

Thanks a bunch. Огромное

Thanks a lot. Большое

Всегда рад

No problem. Без проблем.

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