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Встав слова : is are, hove got, has got. Mary... a pupil. She many friends.
They in her class. Mary good at
Maths and English. Her sister...
a CD player. Her nome Kote. The
girls - a big clover dog. The dog
black and white. Mary... mang
interesting books. The books
the shelf. She a nice pupil.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Mary is a pupil. She many friends.

They in her class. Mary good at

Maths and English. Her sister has got

a CD player. Her nome Kote. The

girls - a big clover dog. The dog

black and white. Mary have got mang

interesting books. The books

the shelf. She a nice pupil.


Mary is pupil
Hase got
Have got

Offenders sent to island in the sun thirteen young offenders from london are being sent (to spend) a year on a caribbean island in an experiment aimed at (combatting) crime. the young people – aged 15–17 – are trained in denmark for six years before (going) to the west indian island of st. vincent (to live) in a small communal farm at the foot of a volcano. the school is run by a danish co-operative which specializes in (providing) challenges for difficult young people (to build) up their confidence with adults. the two london boroughs whose social services departments are responsible for (introducing) the scheme say they are sending the young people so they can (learn) (to face) up to challenges which they have no opportunity of (meeting) on the streets of the capital. other london boroughs are showing an interest in (adopting) the scheme, particularly as it works out cheaper than (keeping) young offenders in homes in london.

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