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Вставьте артикли где нужно … population of Britain is about 57 million, and it is predominantly urban and suburban. … population is increasing very slowly and in 1982 it actually fell. … highest densities of the population are to be found in conurbations, which are groups of once separate towns that have grown to form a single community. … capital of … United Kingdom is London. The other largest cities are …Bermingham, …Glasgo, …Leeds, …Sheffield, …Liverpool, …Bradford, …Manchester, …Edinburgh, …Bristol, …Belfast and …Coventry.

… national language of the country is ….English, the other languages are …Welsh (in Wales), …Gaelic (in Scotland), and …Irish (Irish form of Gaelic – in Ireland).

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1 steamed

2 green

3 good

4 slice

5 creamy

6 scrambled

7 cold

8 strong

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