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Напишите плохие и хорошие стороны использования интернета на английском языке.

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Ответы на вопрос:

In my opinion, Internet communication has more positive aspects than negative ones. After all, it provides such incredible opportunities to communicate with people from other countries and continents. With the help of the Internet, we can communicate with each other in real time, even if there are hundreds or thousands of kilometers between us.

At the same time, communication on the Internet with people who are close to us takes time from live communication. It is often easier for people to discuss issues or concerns online than to set up a meeting and talk in person. It's sad, because that's how people move away from each other.

10- хороших привыче

1.l brush my teeth twice a day

2.l run in tre mornings or evenings

3.l Wake up early

4.l read books

5.ln the morning l drink a glass of water

6.l have respect for the eldest

7.l do sports

8.l call people by name

9.l lead a healthy lifestyle

10.l put things in place

Singing это пениеsinning это грешить

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