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3. True or false? Circle true or false for these sentences.
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a. Halloween is on 31 October every year.
b. It has been celebrated for more than 2,000 years.
C. It probably comes from Samhain, the day aliens could enter our world.
d. Pumpkins with faces cut in them are called jack o'lanterns'.
e. Originally potatoes were used to make jack o'lanterns!
The heaviest pumpkin ever grown weighed over 5,000 kilograms.
g. The word 'witch' comes from the Old English word for 'wise cat'.
h. To meet a witch at Halloween, wear your clothes inside out and walk backwards.
In some countries children dress up in beautiful costumes at Halloween.
j. 'Trick or treat' is a game where you play a trick on someone or get sweets.​

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Ilike spending holidays in russian. there are a lot of interesting places here. i like *moscow* because i was born here. i like going to *travel to belarus* because my relatives and friends live there. i like going in *auchan*. i enjoy *shopping*.  i hpe we going to visit russia next summer. i can't wait!

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