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Completing sentencesmake one sentence about people's ambitions from the following prompts.examplesheila/teacher/work/with children.sheila is going/wants/hopes/would like to be a teacherbecause she likes/loves/enjoys working with children.a. jane/vet/work/with animalsb. malcolm/farmer/be/outside in the fresh airc. suzy/stockbroker/want/earn/a lot of moneyd. gill/do voluntary service/help/children in the third worlde. justin/do master's degree/enjoy/be/a studentf. janine/accountant/work/with numbersg. my father/retire next year/want/have more free timeh. david/be/captain of the football team/love/be/the leaderi. my parents/buy/a cottage by the sea/sailj. my family/have a holiday in rome/walk/round old cities

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. sheila, a teacher, works with children. 2. sheila would like to be a teacher because she enjoys working with children. 3. jane, a vet, works with animals. 4. malcolm, a farmer, is outside in the fresh air. 5. suzy, a stockbroker, wants to earn a lot of money. 6. gill who does voluntary service helps children in the third world. justin who does master's degree enjoys being a student. 7. janine, an accountant, works with numbers. 8. my father who will retired next year wants to have more free time. 9. david, a captain of the football team, loves to be the leader. 10. my parents bought a cottage by the sea sailj. 11. my family who have a holiday in rome walk round old cities.

ответ:Британская писательница, сценаристка и кинопродюсер, наиболее известная как автор серии романов о Гарри Поттере. Книги о Гарри Поттере получили несколько наград и были проданы в количестве более 500 миллионов экземпляров. Они стали самой продаваемой серией книг в истории и основой для серии фильмов, ставшей третьей по кассовому сбору серией фильмов в истории. Джоан Роулинг сама утверждала сценарии фильмов, а также вошла в состав продюсеров последних двух частей.

Родилась: 31 июля 1965 г. (54 года), Йейт, Бристоль, Англия, Великобритания

Популярно: Английский язык