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3A. Lead the way 1. What does the word “hobby” mean? What does it mean to you? Do you have a hobby? What is it? Use the words below to make up a definition to the word “hobby”.
activity somebody an enjoys which in somebody’s time free doing

Hobby is .
2. What hobbies can people have? Work in groups and list your ideas. Use the table below.
Hobbies for






3. What hobbies do your classmates have? Make a small research. First fill in the table about yourself. Go around the class and interview some of your mates. Fill in the table and then report on the results. Let other students fill in the missing information.

Name/ aspect


How often?

How many?

How long?

4. Translate the words below and group them.

Intelligent –
Bright –
Clever –
Smart –
Gifted –
Talented –
Brainy –
Cunning –
Crafty –
Optimistic –
Pessimistic –
Extrovert –
Introvert –
Relaxed –
Sensible –
Down-to-earth –
Sensitive –
Sociable –
Quarrelsome –
Cruel –
Easy-going –
Impolite –
Ill-mannered –
Honest –
Trustworthy –
Reliable –
Sincere –
Envious -


Attitudes towards life

Attitudes towards other people

5. Complete the sentences and use who + definition.
A burglar is someone

An atheist is someone .

An architect is someone .

A teacher is someone .

A student is someone .

6. Translate the sentences into English using relative pronouns and adverbs.

Я знаю, почему он такой сердитый.

Где сыр, который был в холодильнике?

Словарь – это книга, в которой ты можешь найти значения слов.

Это мальчик, папа которого врач.

Это день, когда мне надо сдать экзамен.

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