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1. Jason said to his father, “Please, please, let me go to the party.”
2. He looked at her. “Why haven't you dressed for dinner?”
3. She said to her husband, «Don’t polish the furniture.”
4. The lecturer said, “In 1783 the Paris Treaty was signed.”
5. She said, “Let’s watch the game on TV.”
6. “Good morning. Is Martin in?” asked the visitor.
7. “How delicious!” she said as she tasted the ice-cream.
8. “Could you do me a favor?” she asked. “No.” he said.
9. Andrew said to her, “You should make a decision”.
10.“I'll come again soon. Good-bye”, said my friend.
11. She said to him, “Hello! Where are you staying?”
12. “Wow!” he said as he unwrapped his gift.
13. She said, “I met Mark when I was walking in the park.”
14. Mary said, “Would you like a glass of milk?”
15. He said, “He must be telling the truth. I am absolutely sure he is.”
16. He asked, “Will you stay for supper and meet the people?”
17. She said, “You like to eat out, don’t you?” He answered, “Yes, I do.”
18. “Happy Birthday!” we said to him.
19. John said, “Sorry, I couldn't meet you last Sunday.”
20. Mark said, “You needn’t worry. Everything will be OK.”

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Ответы на вопрос:

Dear (имя друга), sorry that i haven't been in touch for so long. i hope that everything is all right with you and your family. i haven't written for so long because  i was very busy preparing for my exams. you know that it is my last year at school and i have to get good results to be able to enter the best university of our country. i practice much. i write tests and read much literature, so i think that everything will be great. how are your studies? what subjects do you like most? are there any new teachers or subjects at your school? just drop me a letter when you have time. well, i'd better go now as i still have much work to do. take care and keep in touch! lots of love, своё имя

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