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Read the text and identify if the statements are true or false. ) 1. The author thinks that Romeo and Juliet are better than other actors in the play.
2. The author thinks that the actors do not play well.
3. The author thinks that sound effects add special atmosphere to the play.
4. The audience does not like the play.​

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какой текст там был???

’m = am  ’s = is или has  ’re = are  ’ve = have  ’ll = will или shall  ’d = would или had  ’s может быть is или has:   he’s ill. = he is ill. – он болен.  he’s gone away. = he has gone away. – он ушел.  ’d может быть would или had:   i’d see a doctor if i were you. = i would see a doctor if i were you. – на твоем месте, я бы обратился к врачу.  i’d never seen her before. = i had never seen her before. – я никогда не видел ее раньше. 

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