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Проверьте .предложения. каждый день я рано встаю и иду в школу. -еvery day i get up early and i go to school. вчера она легла в кровать поздно. -yesterday she went to bed late. мой папа пьет светлое пиво. -my father likes to drink light beer. она имеет темный загар. she has dark soft tan. ему нравиться слушать громкую музыку. -he likes to listen the loud music. она отправила ребенка в тот же лагерь. -she sent the child in the same camp. самолет летит слишком низко. -the plane flies too low. давайте встретимся возле кино. -let's meet outside the cinema я буду ждать тебя в театре. -i'll be waiting you inside the theather.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Еvery day i get up early and go to school.yesterday she went to bed late.my father likes to drink light beer.she has a dark soft tan.  he likes to listen to the loud music.she sent her child to the same camp.the plane is flying too low.let's meet near the cinemai'll be waiting you inside the theather. вот так правильно.

1)   he lived there with his   family 2)   we were playing the chess when the telephone rang.3)  when we were playing football, i suddenly broke my leg.4)  i saw a lion in the zoo yesterday.

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