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Read the summary of the audio and choose the correct option for the gap. classmates




There are some special rules in Darren’s school. In Math class, the students are not allowed to speak during the lesson but only

lessons. He thinks it is hard to do because his

like talking to each other. If they break the rule the teacher gives them extra homework. He thinks it is unfair because he is mostly

. Darren also doesn’t like that the students are not allowed to use a calculator during the test. He thinks it is

because he often uses it at home. Darren thinks his school is OK because he can have fun with his friends there.

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Shop-assistant:   what can i do for you? you: i would like to buy something for my little sister. shop-assistant: well, how old is she? you: tomorrow she will be 4. shop-assistant: really? what about this pretty doll? you:   oh, no! there are ten or fifteen dolls in our flat. they are everywhere: on the sofa, on the chair, on the shop-assistant:   sorry, it's awful. well, what about this drum? you: oh, no! it's so noisy! shop-assistant:   let me see. oh, look! a teddy-bear. you:   never! she has seven or nine taddy-bears. shop-assistant:   well, i don't be puzzles? you:   yes! wonderful! two no! three! how much do they cost? shop-assistant:   three dollars. you:   here you are. shop-assistant:   well,   your you:   thank you. shop-assistant:   you are welcome!     продавец: что я могу для вас сделать? вы: я хотел бы купить что-то для моей маленькой сестры. продавец:   да, а сколько ей лет? вы: завтра ей будет 4. продавец:   правда? как насчет куклы? вы: о, нет! есть десять или пятнадцать кукол в нашей квартире. они везде: на диване, на стуле, на компьютере продавец:   , это ужасно.  как насчет  барабана? вы: о, нет! это так шумно! продавец:   дайте подумать. ой, смотрите! плюшевый медведь. вы: никогда! у нее их семь или девять.. продавец:     ну, я не знаю может быть, пазлы? вы: да! замечательно! две нет! три! сколько они стоят? продавец:     три доллара. вы: вот, . продавец:   ваша вы: .продавец:   добро !

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