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Name the type of crime by its description: 1.He threatened to send the love letters to her husband unless she gave him $ 500.

2.The telephone box had been smashed and there was graffiti all over the walls.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. blackmail - шантаж

2. vandalism - вандализм


1. Он угрожал отправить любовные письма её мужу, если она не даст ему 500 долларов.

2. Телефонная будка была разгромлена, а все стены были покрыты граффити.  

1. Fill in can or can’t

1. …can…… you roller-skate? Yes, I …can….

2. ……can….your mum dance tango? No, she …can't ….

3. ……can….your dad draw very well? No, he …can't …..

4. ……can…. your friends play tennis? Yes, they …can…..

5. ……can….your granny speak English? No, she …can't ….

6. …can……. you sing very well? Yes, I ……can…..

2. Choose the right pronoun

1. ( it) is a flower.

2. My granny lives in a country. I go to (her) on holidays.

3. My parents are doctors. (they) work in a hospital.

4. I love my mom. (She) is very kind.

5. I have a brother. Sometimes I ask (him) to help me.

6. ( they) are going to school at the moment.

7. I have a sister. I play with (her).

3. Match the phrases

1. What is your family like, Tom?

D. I have a big family and we are very close.

2. What are your parents’ jobs?

B. My Dad is a lawyer and my Mum is a dentist.

3. And what are you going to be?

E. I would like to be a fireman or a vet. I want to help people or animals.

4. Have you got any brothers or sisters?

A. I have a younger sister. She is 5 years old.

5. Do you get on well with her?

C. Yes, I love my sister. She is beautiful and bright.

4. Fill in: Anna, blue, eyes, long, blond, beard, red

1. Helen has got green _______eyes_________ and ______blond________ hair.

2. Susan has got ________blue________ eyes and _______red_______ lips.

3. _______Anna _______ has got long red hair and straight nose.

4. Alice’s hair is _______long__________

5. John’s _________beard________ is grey.

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