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Open the brackets in the correct tense form. Примечание: повторите все выражения будущего времени. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. В ответе запишите только полные формы глаголов через запятую. Точку в конце ставить не нужно.

1. Sally: There's no milk left!
Betty: Oh. I some from the shop. (get)

2. The population of Valencia 2 million by the year 2010. (reach)

3. Mum: I told you to tidy up your room.
Son: Sorry, Mum, I forgot. I it after lunch. (do)

4. Sally: Why don't we meet for coffee on Friday morning?
Willy: Sorry. I can't. I the doctor then. (see)

5."Tomorrow a bright and sunny day everywhere in Spain, except in La Coruña," said the weatherwoman. (be)

6. Look at that big black cloud. I think it . (rain)

7. Sally: What are your plans for the week-end?
Betty: Brad Pitt phoned. We on a picnic. (go)

8. Betty: Have you booked the flights yet?
Sally: Don't worry. It's all organized. I to the travel agent's tomorrow morning. (go)

9. In the future people bigger heads. (have)

10. If we miss the bus, we a taxi. (take)

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Ответы на вопрос:

I was sick

Last time i was last winter.Iwas all with angina.I was very uncomfortable when my mother gave me medecine.They are very ugle.I have a very sort thoat.The best part is that my mother gave me tea and covered with a warm blanked.i rested and watched TV.


Как я болела

Последний раз я болела зимой.Я болела ангиной.мне было очень неприятно когда мама мне давала лекарства.Они очень отвратительные.Меня оч болело горло.Самое приятное то что мама давала мне чай и накрывала теплым одеялом.Я отдыхала и смотрела телевизор

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