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Writing Task II, Choose only one correct variant (выбери один из предложенных вариантов)
1) The news (are, -, is) on TV every night at 9
2) Rock climbing is ( more difficult, as difficult as, difficult) snowboarding
3) She is ( good enough, enough good, well enough) to win the tournament
4) He( can, was able to , must) speak Spanish when he was 10
5) The film was (was amused, amuse, amusing)
6) Did your grandparents Luse to, used, to use) write letters?
7) The salsa group (is starting, start, starts) at 7 pm.
Total [7]​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)i go to school every day

2)he comes home at 5 o`clock every day

3)my friend alice lives in london

4)my uncle works in school(или в другом месте)

5)i don`t watch tv in the mornings


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