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Список вопросов теста Вопрос 1
Anna___(look) at the departures board while the twins(stand) in
the queue.

Варианты ответов:

• was look, was stand
• was looking, stood
• was looking, were standing
• looked, were standing

Вопрос 2

The lion is__than the fish.

Варианты ответов:

• so bigger
• much bigger
• as bigger
• as big
Вопрос 3

London Heathrow is
(large) airport in the UK.

Вариланты ответов:

• large
• larger
• the largest
• largest

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

was looking, were standingmuch biggerthe largest

1.was looking, were standing

2.much bigger

3.the largest



1)we to get up at 7 o,clock every day. 2)mary to go to school  by bus so she leaves home at 8 o,clock. 3)yestarday i to get ready for my engnlishe exam. 4)last week my friends go stay at school after classes. 5)tomorow he to go to bed at 9 o,clock.

Популярно: Английский язык