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5) Write about yesterday. Use was, wasn't, were or weren't. 0 At night there/a storm. Dr Wild/worried.
At night there was a storm. Dr Wild was worried.
1 In the morning itsunny. There/any clouds.
2 What/the weather like in Russia?
3 Suddenly there/heavy rain and it/very windy.
4 We/safe but there/any boats near us.
5 Where/Claudia and Magnus?
chosen and wita​

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  на :                                                                                                                         в много вещей происходят наоборот. на  континенте  люди часто говорят о погоде. в фразу "какой сегодня чудесный день,  не так  ли? ". говорят 200 раз в день. на континенте газеты выходят в воскресение. в они  выходят  в понедельник.                                           на :                                             in england many things are the other way round. on the continent people seldom spear about weather. in england the phrase: “it’s a nice day today, isn’t it? ” people use tw o hundred times a day. on the continent sunday papers appear. in england they appear on sunday.

Популярно: Английский язык