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Задание 2. Выполните упражнения, используя законспектированный материал. 16) Why did you do that? I thought you had more (intelligent) than that.
17) The singer gave a brilliant (perform) yesterday.
18) Have you seen his coin (collect)?
19) On hearing the terrible news, everyone had a feeling of (sad).
20) They have the (able) to pass the exam without working hard.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Какой самый известный сад в санкт-петербурге? летний, михайловский, таврический, юсуповский, александровский, екатерининский ("катькин садик"). summer, michael, taurida, yusupov, alexander, catherine ("catherine's garden").

Популярно: Английский язык