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Укажите предложения содержащие сослагательное наклонение. A. 1. Without the sun there would be no light, no heat, no energy of any
kind. 2. Would you like to travel to Britain? 3. Choose the place you would
like to visit. 4. What would you do in that situation? 5. I wouldn’t wait for the
whole week. 6. You shouldn’t have gone there yesterday. 7. I’ll ring him at
once so that he shouldn’t wait for me.
B. 1. It is desirable that everything should be ready by five o’clock. 2. It is
strange that she should have done it. 3. It is necessary that he take measures
immediately. 4. It is important that they should repair the car by tomorrow.
5. It’s very annoying that you should have forgotten it so soon. 6. It was impos-
sible that he should participate in that tournament. 7. It is surprising that he
shouldn’t know it.
C. 1. I suggest that you (should) see the new film. 2. The doctor insists
that I (should) give up smoking. 3. He ordered that all (should) take part in
the work. 4. They recommended that Ann (should) go to the south in summer.
5. He demanded that the newspapers should be delivered immediately. 6. He
insisted that she should consult a doctor. 7. Roentgen suggested that the rays
he had discovered should be called x-rays.
D. 1. I wish I knew many foreign languages. 2. Mike wishes he had more
time for learning English. 3. I wish Victoria were with us now. 4. I wish we had
known it before. 5. I wish I knew how to drive a car. 6. I wish I hadn’t told them
about that. 7. I wish she had been at the theatre yesterday.

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