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Fill in: is or are 1. My grandparents’ furniture ___ old fashioned.
2. I’d like to go to bed. Where ___ my pyjamas?
3. The clothes she wears ___ expensive.
4. The news ___ exciting.
5. Twelve thousand roubles ___ too much to spend on these shoes.
6. Nowadays there ___ a lot of false information on the Internet.
7. Two miles ___ not a long way to walk to my house.
8. The compasses ___ on your desk. You may draw a circle.
9. Advice he usually gives me ___ rather useful.
10. Where ___ my scissors?
11. Economics ___ difficult for young students.
12.The city police ___ investigating some crime.
13.The outskirts of the city he lives on ___ beautiful.
14.Two hours a week ___ not enough to learn English.
15.Measles ___ a serious disease.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.did  he become a pilot in 1991? 2.when did  he become a pilot ? 3.who  he became a pilot in 1991? 4.why did  he become a pilot in 1991? 5.how did  he become a pilot in 1991?

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