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Fill in the gaps using can, could, to be able to. 1. Last week wego swimming, this week we can't. 2. Maybe the Smithsbuild a new house next year. 3. If you try hard, youpass your
examinations. 4. When I was five, Inot swim 5. Dennis
trumpet after four months. 6. Luke has passed his driving test, now hedrive a car, 7. lnot speak to him on the phone for three weeks last
month. 8. They were so busy, theynot text me. 9. Lisa has been able to clean her dress. She
wear it again.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Are these your trousers? trousers-множественное число, поэтому употребляется are. исключаем второй вариант. последний вариант-конструкция утвердительного предложения, а тут указан вопрос. третий вариант не подходит потому что тут несоответствие: are употребляется со множ числом, а this-с единственным.

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