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1. The weather information ... every day.
a) is received; c) will receive; b) was received; d) receives.
2. The ship's position ... by the Chief Officer two hours ago.
a) defined; b) is defined; c) was defined; d) will be defined.
3. The concert by our students tomorrow.
a) will give; b) is given; c) was given; d) will be given.
4. The dockers ... the boxes into hold yesterday.
a) loaded; c) were loaded; b) are loaded; d) will be loaded.
5. He usually ... the engine in case of trouble.
a) is repaired; c) will be repaired; b) was repaired; d) repairs.
6. The pump ... by our pump-man in two hours.
a)is lubricated; c) will be lubricated; b) was lubricated; d) will Iubricate.
7. The life-boats ... before every voyage.
a) are examined; c) will be examined; b) were examined; d) examines.
8. This ship ... in Russia five years ago.
a) built; c) was built; b) is built: d)will be built
9.My friend ... me to see a new film yesterday.
a)invited; c)was invited; b) is invited; d)will be invited
10.The ship's course ... five hours ago.
a)changed; c)was changed; b)is changed; d)will be changed

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The teacher always says goodbye to children.

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