Есть ответ 👍

Сделайте Упражнение 2. Образуйте отрицательные предложения с am, is, are

1. I am an engineer

2. She is a doctor

3. It is true

4. This is my hand

5. I am sad

6. He is from Moscow

7. I am busy

8. He is young

9. Marina is very beautiful

10. Summer is hot

11. The house is very expensive

12. You are tired​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. I'm not an engineer

2. She isn't a doctor

3. It isn't true

4. This isn't my hand

5. I'm not sad

6. He isn't from Moscow

7. I'm not busy

8. He isn't young

9. Marina isn't very beautiful

10. Summer isn't hot

11. The house isn't very expensive

12. You aren't tired

1.do you use the internet a lot?

2. she does not like maths

3. i am not keen on football

4. he does not live here any move

5.do they like playing tennis

6. what are you talking about with your friends?

7. are you from swizerland? no, i am not

8.did   you see the film yet? yes, i did

9. did you play the violin? no, i did not

Популярно: Английский язык