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PRESENT SIMPLE OR CONTINUOUS? 1. She ( go ) to the country every weekend.
2. The children ( play ) in the garden this afternoon.
3. He can not answer the phone ; he ( have ) a bath.
4. We ( listen ) to the radio every morning.
5. My sister ( wear ) glasses.
6. Look ! I ( draw ) an elephant.
7. They ( play ) squash on Wednesdays.
8. We are at the bus-stop ; we ( wait ) for the bus.

Choose the present simple or the present continuous
I  (think) about Peter. He was so strange yesterday!
2. She  (love) chocolates.
3. Please, be quiet. I  (listen) to the radio.
4. The students  (not understand) the problem.
5. I love those flowers. They  (smell) so nice!
6. I  (think) I´ll go home now. It´s getting late.
7. He  (prefer) staying at home rather than going out.
8. This cake  (taste) lovely! How did you make it?
9. Can you speak louder? I  (hear) what you  (say).

Choose the present simple or the present continuous.

1. I never of ghosts. (dream)
2. Tom English at school. (learn)
3. Listen! Ann the piano. (play)
4. What are you doing? I a model plane. (make)
5. Can you help me? No, sorry, I the baby. (look after)
6. Mum always coffee in the afternoon. (drink)
7. Where is mum? She dinner. (cook)
8. Who ? This is Mr Blackwell. (speak)
9. We often eggs for breakfast. (have)
10. What are you doing? I English. (learn)
11. Tom his bike at the moment. (clean)
12. He his uncle every Wednesday. (visit)
13. What are you doing? I TV. (watch)
14. Today it (not rain), the sun  (shine).
15. They sometimes to the cinema on Sundays. (go)​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. She goes


3. He is having

4. We listen

5. Sister wears

6. I'm drawing

7. Plays

1. I'm thinking

2. She loves

3. I'm listening

4. Aren't understanding

5. They smells

6. I'm think

7. He prefer

8. Cake is tasting

9. I don't hear, saying

the worst day in my life

a few weeks ago i overslept and had to leave for school without breakfast. i wasn't late for my classes but i quickly discovered that i had left all my notebooks and copy-books with homework at home. besides, i failed a chemistry test. i felt really down although my friends tried to cheer me up. then, when i was walking home from school i slipped and fell on the icy pavement. i managed to get up but couldn't walk - my ankle hurt too much. i had to call my friends who helped me to get to the doctor's. it was an ankle sprain, and that day became the worst one in my life.

самый плохой день в моей жизни

несколько недель назад я проспал и был вынужден уйти в школу без завтрака. я не опоздал на уроки, но быстро обнаружил, что забыл дома все свои тетради с . кроме того, я завалил самостоятельную по . я чувствовал себя совершенно подавленным, хотя друзья пытались подбодрить меня. потом, по дороге   домой из школы, я поскользнулся и упал на скользком тротуаре. я смог встать на ноги, но не мог идти: сильно болела лодыжка. мне пришлось позвонить друзьям, которые мне добраться до врача. это было растяжение, и этот день стал худшим в моей жизни.

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