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1. Задание Выберите правильный ответ (только один). Впишите букву выбранного Вами варианта в таблицу ответов.

1. The railway today is still one of the most popular ... and, besides, it is one of the cheapest.

a) means of transport

b) entertainment

2. I’d like to have a double ... .

a) number

b) room

3. Trips on the Dniester, the Dnieper, the Black Sea are very ... in our country.

a) unusual

b) popular

4. When the sea is not ... there is of course less pleasure if any at all.

a) rough

b) calm

5. It’s best ... a room in advance. In this case you’ll be sure to stay at a hotel without any problems.

a) to register

b) to book

6. The train on the third platform is not a ... train, it’s a local train. There is no dining car in it.

a) long-distance

b) suburban

7. Sometimes we ... ourselves in a ... on the sea shore.

a) put, shadow

b) place, tent

8. If you are not ... of a sailor you may get ... in a ... sea.

a) much, air-sick, calm

b) much, sea-sick, rough

9. Some people are standing near the ... . They want to leave their ... until certain time.

a) left-luggage office, luggage

b) luggage van, baggage

10. At the airport you can hear the ... that your flight is boarding.

a) advertisement

b) announcement

11. When the weather is fine and the sea is as smooth as glass your ... will be wonderful.

a) resort

b) voyage

12. A train has got a lot of ... .

a) carriages

b) porters

13. In many hotels a porter takes your ... and shows you the way to the receptionist’s desk.

a) luggage

b) money

14. He may offer you a room with all modern ... .

a) services

b) conveniences

15. ... board of large ships and small river ... people can visit foreign countries and different places of interest.

a) on the, coaches

b) on, boats

2. Задание
Определите тему, к которой относится данный ряд слов. Укажите выбранный вариант. В поле ввода необходимо ввести маленькую (прописную) букву выбранного варианта (без скобок).

1) ... porter, receptionist, maid, room service

2) ... to show, luggage, declaration, passport control

3) ... belt, captain, height, to land, on board

4) ... crew, boat, seasick, voyage, life belt

5) ... to ride, backpack, fire, pot, tent, blanket

a) hitch-hiking b) going by ship c) guesthouse d) going by plane e) hotel f) restaurant g) customs

3. Вопрос
Перед Вами диалог, в котором неправильно расставлены все реплики. Расставьте их по порядку. В начале задания дан пример. В поля ввода необходимо вводить только заглавные (большие) буквы.

1 -D

A. – By no means, the street is very quiet. In front of the hotel you can see a big park.

B. – I can give you an outside room on the seventh floor.

C. – How long are you planning to stay, Sir?

D. – I’d like to have a double room with bath.

E. – I guess, we’ll stay for three or four days.

F. – All right. I’ll take it.

G. – 70 dollars a day. The charge includes breakfast.

H. – Is it very noisy?

I. – How much is the room?​

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Как долго ты была в своей школе. то какое?

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