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1. Why did people stay in their homes as much as possible? [1] A. The weather was cold

B. There were many thieves

C. There were police officers

2. How did “Bow Street Runners” get their name? [1]

A. because they wore bows

B. because in honor of the name policeman

C. because they worked near Bow Street

3. When did the First Police Force start with 3000 officers? [1]

A. 1829

B. 1700

C. 1750

Choose True or False.

4. In 1800, there were not enough policemen in London. [1]

True False

5. All of the first 3000 London Police Force rode horses. [1]

True False

6. Today, police officers who work with horses are paid more than their colleagues.

True False [1]

Total [6]

7. Choose the correct possessive case. My father has a dog. … is funny.

A. My father’s dog

B. Dog my father

C. My father dog

8. Choose the correct indefinite pronoun. Look! is walking in our garden.

A. Everybody

B. Somebody

C. Somewhere

9. Choose the verb in correct form Present Continuous. Theyfootball at the moment.(play)

A. are play

B. are not playing

C. plays

10. Write question sentence using the Present Continuous. ... she... homework now?

A. are... doing

B. am...doing

C. is...doing

11. Write question sentence using the Present Simple. ... you... to school every day?

A. do...go

B. does... go

C. is...going

12. Complete the negative sentence. We __ English.

A. don't speak

B. doesn't speak

C. not speak

13. Complete the following sentence with the correct adverb of manner.

I passed .

A. easily the test

B. the test easily

C. easy the test

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Ответы на вопрос:

Эй слышь я молодой пос ты тупо мышь dro4y

Ihave a dog,it is name [имя].it is [возраст].it is like [что любит собака желательно 2-3 предмета, еды и т.п.] it is can [что умеет собака].it is[качества собаки].i like my dog!                                         перевод у меня есть собака.её зовут[имя].она любит[что любит собака желательно 2-3 предмета,еды и т.п.]она умеет [что любит собака] она[качества собаки]я люблю свою собаку

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