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Put the verbs into the present simple or the present continuous​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) He sometimes goes to the cinema. — Он иногда ходит в кино.

2) I am doing my homework at the moment. — Я делаю домашнее задание в настоящее время.

3) I read the newspaper every morning. — Я читаю газету каждое утро.

4) I am eating my dinner now. — Я ужинаю сейчас.

5) She usually reads a book before she goes to bed. — Обычно она читает книгу перед тем, как идет спать.

6) He writes an email to his friend every night. — Он пишет электронное письмо своему другу ежедневно перед сном.

You didn't go anywhere,did you ? -no,i didn't.i was ill. you stayed in your home town,didn't you ? -yes, i did. the weather was terrible in the summer,wasn't it ? -no, it wasn't. it was fine. it never rained in the summer,did it ? yes, it did.it rained much. you often went boating,didn't you? -yes, i did.it's my hobby. nobody went with you,did they(he,, they didn't.i wanted to be alone. you didn't make sandcastles on the beach,did you? - no, i didn't.i'm not a child. you had a lot of fun,didn't you ? -yes, i did.i really enjoyed it. you couldn't go abroad,could you ? -no, i couldn't.i lost my passport. you invited nobody to visit you,did you ? -yes, i did.i invited nobody.

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