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+ 1. What two adjectives does the speaker use to describe genetic engineering?

A) Fascinating and dangerous

B) Fascinating and interesting

C) Fascinating and curious

2. What have scientists always wished to do with people? 5. What can geneticists clone?

A) Explore A) A human tissue and brain

B) Change B) A human tissue and clone

C) Develop C) A human tissue and organs

3. How long has the idea of genetic engineering been discussed?

A) several months

B) centuries

C) some days

4. Who found the ways of changing genes? 6. After how long will scientists clone a person?

A) Scientists A) Not so long time

B) Geneticists B) After a long period

C) Explores C) In several years

7. Who will accept genetic engineering in future?

A) engineers

B) scientists

C) young generations Total: 7 points

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My favorite kind of sports is table tennis. it is a sport in which two or four players hit a lightweight, hollow ball back and forth with rackets. the game takes place on a hard table divided by a net. except for the initial serve, players must allow a ball played toward them only one bounce on their side of the table and must return it so that it bounces on the opposite side. this game can be played inside or outside. points are scored when a player fails to return the ball within the rules. play is fast and demands quick reactions. a skilled player can impart several varieties of spin to the ball, altering its trajectory and limiting an opponent's options to great advantage.

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