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Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребите глагол в правильной форме. 1. She (to cry) everyday.
2. Masha (to like) her cat.
3. Jack and Harry (to play) football every Saturday.
4. Mary (to try) to teach English every week.
5. Kristina and Mike (to study) English.
6. Ann (to have) a shower every day.
7. I (to do) morning exercises.
8. He (to work) at a factory.
9. She (to sleep) after dinner.
10. Helen and Olga (to work) part-time.
11. They (to drink) tea every day.
12. Helen (to have) a car.
13. Sometimes I (to go) to the theatre by bus.
14. It (to take) me about twenty minutes.
15. Our classes (to begin) at eight.
16. I (to wake) up, (to switch) on the TV and (to brush) my teeth.
17. Josh (to prefer) to have breakfast at seven o’clock.
Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки и составьте отрицательные предложения
1. Mary (to have) two sisters.
2. She (to get) up at six o'clock.
3. For breakfast Peter (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.
4. She (to go) to the institute in the morning.
5. Tom (to drive) a car.
6. Irene (to call) her friends every night.
7. My working day (to begin) at six o'clock.
8. I (to take) a bus to the institute.
9. Ann and Sue (to leave) home at half past seven.
10. We (to have) four classes a day.
Упражнение 4. Заполните пропуски, используя вс
глаголы do или does.
1. … you want cream and sugar in your coffee?
2. … the children go to bed very early?
3. … that girl come from South America?
4. … you know that Italian student?
5. … Miss Stewart prefer coffee or tea?
6. … your English lessons seem very difficult?
7. … those two women understand that lesson?
Упражнение 5. Найдите и справьте ошибки, где они есть, и запишите верный
вариант предложения
1. Do your dog like cheese?
2. Do your mum read magazines?
3. Does you drive a BMW?
4. Does Mary have any pets?
5. Do your sister like Brad Pitt?
6. Do they teach French?
7. Does Kate work every day?
8. Peter like to read.
9. Ann and Mary goes to the library every month.
10. I never don’t watch any comedies.
11. My granny don’t work.
12. Does Ann like this dress?
13. Alice work 5 days a week.
14. My friends hates this show.

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Ответы на вопрос:

When my summer holidays came i was very happy!   the weather was fine so my friends and i went for a walk every day. it was fun! then i spent a month in the country where my grandfather and grandmother lived. it was great. i drank milk and ate a lot of tasty food which my granny prepared for me. i have many friends in this village because i go there every holidays. we played football and tennis every day! there is a small river near the forest and we swam when the weather was fine. it was great!   i liked my holidays very much.   когда наступили  летние каникулы, я был счастлив!   погода была хорошая, так что мои друзья и я ходили гулять каждый день. это было весело! затем я провел месяц в деревне, где   живут  мои дедушка и бабушка  . это было здорово. я пил молоко и ел много вкусной пищи, которую моя бабушка готовила для меня. у меня много друзей в этой деревне, потому что я езжу туда каждые каникулы. мы даже играли в футбол и теннис! около леса есть небольшая речка. мы купались, когда погода была хорошая. это было здорово!   мне понравились мои каникулы.

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