14.09.2022 17:37
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TASK 2 A) Choose the correct word 1 Nurlan was very surprising / surprised to see Zhibek at the party.

2The robot exhibition was very interested / interesting.

TASK 2B) Read the definition and find the words:

1 A sport where one shoots arrows.

2 An activity where one moves on the surface of the water with a board and a sail.

3 A sport where one climbs mountains.
ттез керек химия емес ағылшын химияға кіріліп кетті.

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,7(7 оценок)

2p(-3)h(+1)3 + 4o2(0) - - > p(+5)2o(-2)5 + 3h(+1)2o(-2) 1 / p(-3) -8e --> p(+5) / восстановитель 2. / o2(0) +4e --> o(-2) / окислитель

Популярно: Химия